Porter's Turkey Parentage Calculator

Variety not yet included. Please contact porterturkeys@aol.com to have this variety added to the parent search.

Painted Painted Fall Fire Fall Fire Harvey Speckled Chocolate Painted Chocolate Painted Tiger Bronze Chocolate Black Pencilled Fall Fire Pencilled Fall Fire Harvest Gold Grizzled Black Painted Bronze Chocolate Palm Royal Palm Blue Fall Fire Nebraskan Pencilled Blue Fall Fire Mottled Bronze Grizzled Chocolate Painted Grizzled Chocolate Painted Grizzled Slate Painted Oregon Gray Pencilled Blue Palm Mottled Recessive Slate Blue Narragansett Grizzled Lavender Painted Mottled Black

The following are the most common breedings, showing sires and their dam combinations with percentage probabilities, that can produce the selected variety above.

The "View Grandparents" option displays potential grandparent combinations that could contribute to producing the parent.

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